Monday, April 28, 2008

Three Things To Remember When Selling Your Home Today...Pricing, Preparation, and Photos!

When I first started selling real estate, many years ago, it was all about location, location, location. Home buyers would drive around through neighborhoods looking for homes that appealed to them. Today the Internet has changed that. According to statistics provided by the National Association of Realtors, today's home buyer will most likely find their next home on the Internet.

Internet buyers usually start their home search by looking in a desired region, sometimes they will narrow it down by zip code. Next, they will search by price point. Because of price point searching, a home priced at $200,000 will reach far more viewers than a home priced at $199,950. (Example...a home priced at $200,000 will show up in searches between $150,000 and $200,000 and also between $200,000 and $250,000. Remember...pricing it critical, it is best to price your home near the bottom of where your direct competition is listed so your home shows up as the best buy in it's area. Your Realtor can provide you with information about homes that have recently sold in your neighborhood, homes that are currently on the market, and market statistics.

When you place your home on the have just entered it in a beauty pageant and the competition is fierce. Your home must be de-cluttered, clean, and show impeccability! A home with the "lived in look" will no longer compete well. We are selling the dream of home ownership. Prospective home buyers want to be able to picture themselves in your home. They are also looking for homes that are move in ready. Now is the time to invest in new neutral bedding and fresh white towels. It might be wise to invest in a professional staging consultation to determine what can be done to show your home's best features and to down play it's negative features. Remember...The way we sell our homes is different from the way we live in our homes. When you place your home on the market, it becomes a "product" and no longer a "home".

Since the 1980's we have been taught how important first impressions are. Your home will most likely make it's first impression to it's new owners online. My listings get hundreds of "views" each week online. Each time one of my listings is viewed online a potential home buyer will make a decision about seeing that home, based on that first impression of the photo posted online. Multiple photos are important. Photos should create an image of a well cared for, clean, and clutter free home. Refrigerators should be clear of magnets and personal items. Counter tops should be clean and free of clutter. No toys or pets should appear in photos.

Homes are still selling in the Roanoke Valley...just remember the 3 "P's" when selling and you will be well on your way to your new home.

Wanda Richards, ABR ASP
Realtor, Home Staging Consultant
Long & Foster Real Estate

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